Friday, June 17, 2011

6/15 Thoughts on Texture

Everything has texture - some materials more than others.  I believe the best use of texture is when textures are contrasted with each other.  Say rough and smooth, flat and bumpy, and so on.  This enhances each individial texture by contrasting it with something different. 

Here, for example, the rough texture of the large stone contrasts with the flat mirror-like surface of the water it holds in the center, with the round, smooth pebbles that surround it.  The rough boulder, the reflecting water and the polished pebbles, all stand out more because of their contrast with the other two elements.  If each was by itself, they would not appear as attractive or intriguing.  The uniqueness of each texture is enhanced by its contrast with the other two, very different, textures.  As a designer, one can enhance the environment one creates by the use contrasting textures that "fit" well together as the ones pictured here do.

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