Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6/6/11 My Thoughts on Color

Color suffuses our world and needs to be part of every design effort.   Too many times design is obviously done in monochrome or black and white and color is an afterthought.  Color should not be applied after the fact but should be considered during design.  Use media that allows the use of color during the design process.  For example, use color pencils as well as the customary graphite.  This will lead to a richer and more vibrant design product.

Favorite color:  Blue. 

1 comment:

  1. Good point, this is an area that typically, stereotypically, divides architects from designers - architects often color interiors in grey tones, in a cool palate - as color isn't a primary concern it is selected last or as needed. Designers are looking at the human expereience of space, stereotypically -they gravitate toward wamer tones yellows, tans, golds, reds, even warmer greens, blues, greys usually accented with warmer colors.
